Summer Driving Safety
Summer vacation season means more individuals and families setting out on road trips of all kinds. Statistics indicate that distracted driving from phone use occurs most frequently during the summer; nearly 10 percent more than any other time of year. This summer, consider how you can avoid distraction and stay focused on the road.
Check out all our guides and tips for your summer road trips, including how you pack your car, what to bring in your roadside emergency kit, and where kids and pets should sit. All these valuable tools can help ensure you will reach your destination safely.
Stay Focused and Safe
Nearly 10% more distracted driving occurs in summer than in any other season.
- Stow your phone: Turn off the phone or put it in ‘do not disturb’ mode to help remove the temptation to use it.
- Know your route: Have a passenger program your navigation system or enter your destination before you start driving
- Create zones for kids and pets: Secure pets and children safely in the back seat.
On average, drivers are distracted for almost 15 minutes of every hour of road time during summer. Don’t be a source of distraction. Avoid calling or texting family and friends when you know they are driving. Set a good example. Parents can model good behavior for their children by demonstrating attentive driving. And vow not to multitask. Avoid eating, grooming, or calling someone while behind the wheel. Of course, never text and drive.
Other Summer Road Trip Tips
- Tune up before heading out: Inspect your tires, brakes, lights, and fluids.
- Pack safe: evenly distribute weight to keep a clear line of sight
- Ready your roof rack: Watch your vehicle height and rack weight limits
Know what to do when it comes to summer travel. Share this information with your family, friends, and neighbors to help them #thinksafe.
Blog Credit to Our Partners: Travelers Insurance